Intel MXC #Networking

Intel MXC - Is this standard the future of networking for LAN and IoT?

What is Intel MXC?

Intel MXC is a connector, designed by Intel Corporation, to supersede the slowly outdated 8P8C RJ45 connector which carries Ethernet data.

Intel had developed a connector, the MXC, with the intention to include it in their server and workstation main/logic/motherboards. For the connector to be useful, a cable needed to be developed to connect between two devices, with MXC connectors, or into a network of devices, with MXC connectors.

Corning Involvement

Intel approached Corning, designers and manufactures of Clear Curve, a range of optical fibre cables that had the potential for greater bandwidth with the breakthrough achieved with Intel Silicon Photonics Technology.

MXC Potential

I would like to find more information on the scope of devices designed to incorporate MXC into a network, with mesh and star topologies with redundant connections.

Sources of Information

More information can be found on Intel's website:

Intel MXC Optical Connector and ClearCurve LX Fiber

Intel Introductory Presentation Download